Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thanksgiving...Minnesota Style

We spent Thanksgiving in Minnesota with Nikki's family. We got to shoot some guns, and see an Ice-house parade (yes, you can only do that in Minnesota.)

Nikki shooting some sort of gun.

These little girls were dressed as different kinds of fish for the Aitkin Ice House Parade. (For those of who don't know what an Ice-House is, they're the little shack like things people set up on the ice to keep warm as they fish during the winter.)

The Aitkin Fire Department Search and Rescue guys had a "Winter" hot-tub going. They sloshed water all over the street and ruined the candy-getting for all the kids around us.

Nikki really didn't know what this meant until her sister explained it to her. Obviously, we don't ice-fish.

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